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Guiden & Scouten

explore – experience – remember

Eis läscht Aventuren


  • Parent’s meeting - english
  • Parent’s meeting - english

    This year, our group has grown again and welcomed many new members. That's why we're holding a parents' meeting.

    Here you will receive all the important information for the Beavers and Cubs branches to ensure that the year runs as smoothly ass possible. This why this meeting is MANDATORY for all new parents.

    We therefore invite all new parents to register for one of our two meetings, either on the 12/10/2024 at 4.15 pm in English

    To register, just send an e-mail to...

    en savoir plus


  • AG LBB 2017

    AG LBB 2017

  • Léiwefest 2014

    Léiwefest 2014

  • Chreschtcamp Troupe 2014

    Chreschtcamp Troupe 2014



Hei gëss du alles iwwert
d'Lions Bleus gewuer.
All Mount nei!

Wandrous 389

Wandrous 388

Wandrous 387

Du wëlls Member ginn?

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